Exclusive Interview with Frost of Satyricon

 Exclusive Interview with Frost of Satyricon

by R.G.B. Robb

In the history of heavy metal music, there have been certain times and places which have been essential to the development of the genre. San Francisco in the early 1980’s when it comes to thrash metal. From the same decade came Florida and the death metal scene. Yet out of all of them, the one genre, place, and time that had the most notoriety was the black metal scene of Norway during the 1990’s. One of the bands still around is the mighty Satyricon. This is a name synonymous with legendary releases—most notably their 1996 effort Nemesis Divina—and one which has stayed at the forefront of the ever-expanding sound of what black metal is, and can be. Echoing Magazine recently spoke with Satyricon drummer Frost about their upcoming album, Deep Calleth Upon Deep (Napalm Records)—set for release on September 22nd –upcoming tour, as well as the past and future of this legendary metal act.

Having released the title-track as the first single already, I had to know if this cut was going to be indicative of how the rest of the album sounds. According to Frost, “The title track is representative of what the album is about in terms of the vibe, energy, drive, and sinister atmosphere. But all of the songs sound very different on Deep Calleth Upon Deep, and there might be several surprises in store for the listeners. One more thing; this is absolutely not an album that will truly reveal itself during the first listen. It takes several spins to even begin opening up to the listener. But when it does …” This answer is really not too surprising, given that in 2015 vocalist/guitarist Satyr was diagnosed with a brain tumor. When asked if this had a large impact on the way the music came together, Frost admitted that it not only affected the music, but much more. “The album and everything connected with it, and Satyricon as a whole, got even more serious and important than before—if that’s possible. The situation made us even more sharp and determined, and I imagine that it drove us to dig deeper when working—spiritually and musically.”

Though known for being able to produce some of the most viscerally feral and aggressive music ever heard, the last 15 years has seen the band branch out and bring more musicality to their sound. With having worked with a number of different musicians—including a performance in 2013 with The Norwegian National Opera Chorus—I had to know if any of these couplings had influenced the record, and his playing style in general? “There was a lot to be learned from working with professional musicians that come from a solid institution, like the Opera Chorus singers. The necessity of routine and discipline, and how it worked for them, it was for sure an eye-opener to learn about their approach to a musical profession. But in terms of influence and inspiration, I believe we have been so lucky to be our own leading stars. With Satyricon, we have crafted and gained an instrument of expressing ourselves that itself is highly inspiring and motivating, and that constantly pushes us forward.” With how well they have been able to pull these emotions from within, and consistently releasing quality music, the answer Frost gave when it came to what he felt were career highlights over the last number of decades wasn’t really surprising. “Our albums [are the highlights]. Those are pillars of our existence as a band.” Though still considered a stalwart in the underground metal scene, this evolution of sound they have been working with over the last decade or so has helped bring Satyricon to a larger audience—though Frost admits this wasn’t a motivating factor. “We never tried to reach any particular audience. We have followed our own way of making music and tried to make the band constantly evolve and we have sought to grow with our own life’s work.”

Any band worth their salt knows touring is incredibly crucial for a band and an album’s success. Frost states that the upcoming tour following the album release is going to be something that fans will not want to miss. “We will let Deep Calleth Upon Deep put a strong mark on the upcoming tour. After all, that album is the very reason the tour is happening in the first place, and we see it as the crown of our career so far. Our history will be duly covered as well. Expect a Satyricon that is more driven and on fire than ever; forget the theatrics, expect raw live magic instead.” He also states that this “raw live magic” is something that they will be immersed in for a while. On the band’s plans for the next year or two, “Lots of touring, a show on top of a central city building, festival shows, and more touring.”

If you are a fan of this black metal juggernaut, then I am sure their newest, and upcoming tour, will not disappoint. If you are unfamiliar with Satyricon, then you most definitely have some catching up to do; both Deep Calleth Upon Deep and catching them live this time around would both be exemplary starting places.

